
Katirai, A. et al. (2024). Moving beyond Technical Issues to Stakeholder Involvement: Key Areas for Consideration in the Development of Human-Centred and Trusted AI in Healthcare. Asian Bioethics Review

  • タイトル:Moving beyond Technical Issues to Stakeholder Involvement: Key Areas for Consideration in the Development of Human-Centred and Trusted AI in Healthcare
  • 掲載誌:Asian Bioethics Review
  • 執筆者:Jane Kaye, Nisha Shah, Atsushi Kogetsu, Sarah Coy, Amelia Katirai, Machie Kuroda, Yan Li, Kazuto Kato & Beverley Anne Yamamoto
  • 発行日:2024年6月21日
  • URL:https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41649-024-00300-w

