

*Only English-language publications are listed here. For a complete list, please view the Japanese-language page.

Katirai, A. (2024). Autism and emotion recognition technologies in the workplace. Autism.

Katirai, A.

Katirai, A. et al. (2024) Situating the social issues of image generation models in the model life cycle: a sociotechnical approach, AI and Ethics.

Katirai, A., Garcia, N., Ide, K., Nakashima, Y., Kishimoto A.

Katirai, A. (2024). The Environmental Costs of Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare. Asian Bioethics Review.

Katirai, A.

Katirai, A. et al. (2024). Moving beyond Technical Issues to Stakeholder Involvement: Key Areas for Consideration in the Development of Human-Centred and Trusted AI in Healthcare, Asian Bioethics Review.

Kaye, J., Shah, N., Kogetsu, A., Coy S., Katirai, A., Kuroda, M., Li, Y., Kato, K., Yamamoto BA.

Katirai, A. & Nagato, Y. (2024) Addressing trade-offs in co-designing principles for ethical AI: perspectives from an industry-academia collaboration, AI and Ethics.

Katirai, A. & Nagato, Y.

Shineha, R. et al. (2024). A comparative analysis of attitudes toward genome-edited food among Japanese public and scientific community. PLOS ONE 19(4): e0300107.

Shineha, R., Takeda, K.F., Yamaguchi, Y., Koizumi, N.

Régis, C., Denis, J., Axente, M. L., Kishimoto, A. (Eds.). (2024). Human-Centered AI: A Multidisciplinary Perspective for Policy-Makers, Auditors, and Users. Chapman and Hall.

Catherine Régis, Jean-Louis Denis, Maria Luciana Axente, Atsuo Kishimoto(Eds.)

Ishida, S., & Shineha, R. (2023). In Defense of the Cultural Insensitivity of Neurorights. AJOB Neuroscience, 14(4): 385-387.

Ishida, S., & Shineha, R.

Ishida, S. et al. (2023). A comparative review on neuroethical issues in neuroscientific and neuroethical journals. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17:1160611.

Ishida, S., Nishitsutsumi,Y., Kashioka, H., Taguchi, T., Shineha R.

Katirai, A. et al. (2023). Perspectives on artificial intelligence in healthcare from a Patient and Public Involvement Panel in Japan: an exploratory study. Frontiers in Digital Health, 5:1229308.

Katirai, A., Yamamoto, B.A., Kogetsu, A., and Kato, K.