
Divisional Director/Center Staff

General Research Division

Fukuda, Masaki
Director/ Professor
Information and Communications Law, Economic Administrative Law, Legislation
Akasaka, Ryota
Associate Professor
Robot Law, Cyber law, Tort law
Hihara, Takuya
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
AI and Law, Criminal Law
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Private International Law, International Civil Procedure Law
Isomura, Akira
Specially Appointed Fellow
Constitutional Law, Separation of Powers, Constitutional Law and Information Security
Fujimoto, Yoshitaka
Specially Appointed Fellow
Sociology, Critical Theory, Psychoanalysis, Neoliberalism

Practice Research Division

* Supplementary Assignment Staff

Kishimoto, Atsuo
Director/ Professor *
D3 Center
Risk Research, ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues), Policy Analysis
Shineha, Ryuma
Associate Professor
Sociology of Science, Science & Technology Studies, Science & Technology Policy Studies
Kudo, Fumiko
Specially Appointed Associate Professor​​
Information Law, Public Policy
Suzuki, Keiichiro
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Clinical Philosophy, Philosophical Practice
Nagato, Yusuke
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Ethics, Value Theory, Social Philosophy, Applied Ethics(esp. Information Ethics)
Katirai, Amelia
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Sociology, Inclusion, Discourse
Enomoto, Takuto
Specially Appointed Fellow
Philosophy of Information, Philosophy of Science, Sceience and Technology Policy
Tanaka, Takanori
Specially Appointed Fellow
NEC Corporation
Face Recognition Technology
​​Tsuruta, Soto
Specially Appointed Fellow
History of Science & Science Studies, Agnotology
Izawa, Koyo
Specially Appointed Fellow
Philosophy of Science, the Value-Free Ideal
Wakabayashi, Kaito
Specially Appointed Fellow
Science Communication, Medical and Biological Engineering

Collaborative Research Division

* Supplementary Assignment Staff

Yagi, Ekou
Director/ Professor *
Center for the Study of Co* Design
Science and Technology Studies
Mizumachi, Eri
Associate Professor
Science Communication, Science Education
Higo, Konomi
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Mercari, Inc.
Outreach, Musicology, Cultural Policy

Supplementary Assignment Staff

General Research Division

Horie, Tsuyoshi
Graduate School of Humanities
Philosophy, Ethics, (Philosophical)Dialogue
Mochizuki, Taro
Graduate School of Humanities
Philosophical Practice, Higher Education, Educational Development, International Cooperation
Nagahara, Junko
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Humanities
Japanese Culture, Religious Folklore
Miura, Asako
Graduate School of Human Sciences
Social Psychology, Communication, Research Methods in Psychology
Morita, Atsuro
Graduate School of Human Sciences
Infrastructures, Anthropology, Climate Change, DIV Activism
Kitamura, Wataru
Graduate School of Law and Politics
Bureaucrats' Survey, Central-local Relations, Local Government,
Graduate School of Law and Politics
Economic Law, Antitrust Law, Public Utility Laws, Competition Policy
Nakayama, Ryuichi
Graduate School of Law and Politics
Jurisprudence, History of Legal Thought, Risk and Law
Aoki, Hiroya
Associate Professor
Graduate School of Law and Politics
Intellectual Property Law, Innovation and Law, Design and Law
Dome, Takuo
Graduate School of Economics
History of Economics, Economic Thought, Adam Smith
Kato, Kazuto
Graduate School of Medicine
Biomedical Ethics, ELSI, Research Governance
Matsubayashi, Tetsuya
Osaka School of International Public Policy
Political Science, Political Economics, Social Epidemiology
Katagiri, Naoto
Osaka University Law School
Constitutional Law, Public Finance Law, Religious Law
Noro, Mitsuru
Osaka University Law School
Administrative Law, Urban Law, Administrative Litigation
Matsuo, Kenichi
Osaka University Law School
Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance, Securities Regulation
Jigami, Ryosuke
Associate Professor
Osaka University Law School
Labor and Employment Law, Social Security Law, Workers' and Unemployment Compensation
Shinada, Satoshi
Associate Professor
Osaka University Law School
Criminal Law, White-collar Crime, Property Offenses
Matsushima, Noriaki
Institute of Social and Economic Research
Industrial Organization, Public Economics, Economics of Business and Marketing
Hirakawa, Hideyuki
Center for the Study of Co* Design
Science and Technology Studies
Ohtake, Fumio
Specially Appointed Professor
Center for Infectious Diseases Education and Research
Behavioral Economics, Labor Economics

Practice Research Division

Kawasaki, Ryo
Graduate School of Medicine
Ophthalmology, Epidemiology, Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Tokai, Akihiro
Graduate School of Engineering
Environmental System, Environmental Risk Management, Risk Governance
Muranaka, Toshiya
Graduate School of Engineering
Plant Biotechnology, Genome Editing, Metabolic Engineering
Ishiguro, Hiroshi
Graduate School of Engineering Science
Human Robot Interaction, Robotics
Suzuki, Takashi
Specially Appointed Professor
Center for Mathematical Modeling and Data Science
Mathematical Science, Mathematical Oncology, Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Nakano, Takashi
Research Centers for Nuclear Physics
Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Beam Application
Asada, Minoru
Specially Appointed Professor
Institute for Open and Transdisciplinary Research Initiatives
Cognitive Developmental Robotics, Physical Embodiment, Social Interaction
Yamamoto, Natsuko
Associate Professor
Institute for Datability Science
Research Governance, Personal Data Protection
Ohashi, Noriko
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Institute for Datability Science
Bioethics, Medical Ethics, ELSI
Murakami, Michio
Center for Infectious Diseases Education and Research
Risk Science, Sanitary Engineering, Environmental Science
Ide, Kazuki
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Center for Infectious Diseases Education and Research
Social Medicine, Epidemiology, Policy Science, Applied Ethics
Koide, Naoshi
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Center for Infectious Diseases Education and Research
Translational Research, Regenerative Medicine, Molecular Biology
Shikano, Yusuke
Specially Appointed Assistant Professor
Center for the Study of Co* Design
Philosophy, Conceptual Engineering, Ethics
Kim, Miseon
University Research Board
Security Export Control, Research Integrity, Negotiation
Suzuki, Mika
Associate Professor (Lecturer)
University Research Board
Research Ethics, Empirical Bioethics, Professionalism
Nakagomi, Saya
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Research Institute for Microbial Diseases
Public Engagement of Science, Science Communication
Itoh, Sayaka
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine
Social Science, Regulatory Science, Social Implementation

Collaborative Research Division

Nakamura, Masaki
Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Hisory of Science and Technology, Research Integrity, Science Communication
Murakami, Masayuki
Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Educational Technology, Higher Education, Educational Data Mining
Urata, Yu
Associate Professor
Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences
Positive Psychology, Meaning of Life
Homma, Naho
Center for the Study of Co* Design
Philosophy, Ethics, Philosophical Practice, Dialogue Education
Yamazaki, Goro
Center for the Study of Co* Design
Cultural Anthropology, Science and Technology Studies

Visiting Academic Staff

General Research Division

Itakura, Yoichiro
Guest Professor
Kurata, Tetsuro
Guest Professor
Sanbe, Hiroyuki
Guest Professor
Suzuki, Shoko
Guest Professor
Mitsunari, Kenji
Guest Professor
Nishimura, Tomoumi
Guest Associate Professor
Fujiwara, Hironobu
Guest Associate Professor
Mori, Yuto
Visiting Academic Staff
Yamamoto, Nobuaki
Visiting Academic Staff

Practice Research Division

Kato, Takafumi
Guest Associate Professor
Ju, Heechul
Guest Associate Professor
Matsuo, Makiko
Guest Associate Professor
Kim, Shinhaeng
Visiting Academic Staff
Ishida, Shu
Visiting Researcher
Kano, Hiroyuki
Visiting Researcher
Nishitsutsumi, Yu
Visiting Researcher
Nishiyama, Kumiko
Visiting Researcher
Morishita, Sho
Visiting Researcher

Collaborative Research Division

Kano, Kei
Guest Professor
Juraku, Kohta
Guest Professor
Mikami, Naoyuki
Guest Professor
Kudo, Mitsuru
Guest Associate Professor
Takeda, Kohei
Visiting Academic Staff